Along with Images index, it represents the vastest group of works that covers a wide spectrum of themes and solutions, but where a sensitivity towards the objectual prevails. Art as equal to other disciplines (poetry, music), where love and sadness are sung, where confessions and atonements exist. Language as a complement to symbolic constructions. Its limitation to describe nature, its deletion or blur. Attempts to code concepts and notions: faith, domesticity, emptiness, fear.

Contingencies, the immediate chance. Ideas resolved with the discovery of the object, or objects that raise a regretful idea. The elementary principles of the universe are manifested in the smallest objects and the everyday tasks.

There is a wisdom in the popular equivalent to the most sophisticated knowledge, there is also the idea of a collection, of an archive. Accumulations of the same type of objects that can acquire the quality of a system, or tell a story with their own language. Simple machineries. Rejection of artifice. The tautologies. The coincidences. Patterns and models. The sacred. The relic. The fetish. To try to freeze the memories. Behind everything, the precariousness of matter, the precariousness of all absolutes. The almost perfect balance: Theorem versus Poetry = Reason versus Spirit = Science versus Religion.


Grill for ironer, glasses
26 x 12 cm

Chess pieces

Nuts and bolts, glowstarters, shaving brushes, spark plugs, drop bottles, religious images, bicycle dynamos, mazonite board
12 x 47 x 47 cm


Itineraries is a taxonomy of found objects displayed free of intervention. The project proposes to show the results of a creative process that comes from the objectual: the archicave, the classification, the collection. The notion of “the unfinished” is essential, and signals the potential growth of these collections. In some, the journey could become infinite. In others, it “culminates” respecting the finitude that defines the nature of the set: in the case of playing cards, for example, it is concluded when all the cards of each deck are found -hence the empty spaces that suggest the missing ones-. The collecting of found objects becomes a routine, an almost compulsive practice, which is based on the fact that it grants a mystical quality to walking the streets, through life.


The elementary principles of the universe are manifested in the smallest objects and in everyday tasks. There is a wisdom in the popular equivalent to the most sophisticated knowledge. There is also a notion of a collection, of an archive.


Like Mary ́s and Christ ́s avocations, representing (ignoring schisms and councils, Trinitarian or Unitarian dogmas) some possible manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Epiphanies in dissimilar materials: from the plumage to the dried leafs of a palm tree/guano, from corn to the projector. Pieces that erode themselves when exposed without being fully ephemeral. The detachments of <<living nature>> (feathers, scraps, light) like a sort of sacred material manifestations.


Relations, morphologic revelations. Pairs that exude strangeness. The finding of similitudes between the world of the natural and the artificial.

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