Images Index
It consists on a review of the Cuban 19th century. To assume the jungle and the undergrowth as the botanical garden of the homeland. To flow over the fabric of facts and dates. Leave trails or reading sketches (index) as probable entrances to that territory. Repertoire that draws from other repertoires: The book of paintings by José Antonio Aponte and the Alphabetical Index and Deaths of the Cuban Liberation Army by Carlos Roloff; El Monte by Lydia Cabrera and Undesirable Plants by Pedro Sánchez and Haroldo Uranga; Dictionary of Cubanisms or Antillanisms by Alfredo Zayas y Alfonso, Esteban Pichardo, Fernando Ortiz; the Cuban Mythology of Samuel Feijóo. Mapping the imagery of the independence wars, their key representations.
Take advantage of the blind zones of the map and anchor these guesses (images) there. Between the scientism and vehemence, details and uncertainty grow. A cabinet or room of wonders where the findings (artificial, natural, exotic and scientific) are grouped from the explorations of travelers, delights of the curious and collectors: missing pieces or pages questioned by museums, archives, libraries, myths, passages, phrases, nightmares, relics, fetishes, portraits painted by mamory. The symbolic architecture of the nation project. To go back to the foundation stones. To deconstruct what is sculpted as truth, multiply the stories in countless possibilities.
Images Index
The Room of Time
En esta sala se muestran los relojes disponibles de ciertos personajes históricos cubanos. Sus dueños fueron elegidos siguiendo la pista de anécdotas que aludían a su existencia. Inesperadamente las piezas revelan una secuencia de hechos y personajes que están conectados desde el principio hasta el final. Museo de los relojes, la Sala es en sí misma un reloj con sus doce puntos.
Como gran caja de resonancia, permite escuchar la maquinaria de los relojes que aún funcionan. De ahí también la forma elíptica, acústica por definición, acentuada por la fina madera. Como metáfora de la inconstancia del tiempo, la elipse rodea un reloj que, como el tiempo mismo, se expande y se estira. De esta manera también simboliza la relatividad de ciertos juicios o interpretaciones sobre la historia, aún más inciertas con el peso de la distancia del tiempo. El reloj de bolsillo, se relaciona más con modelos astronómicos como el astrolabio que con la historia de la medición del tiempo.
Madera, 11 Relojes de bolsillo
300 x 1200 x 400 cm

Images Index
Sombrero de Ignacio Agramonte. Camagüey, Cuba, 1873
Sombrero de fibras naturales; vitrina de madera, paño y vidrios impactados por disparo de Remington
180 x 60 x 60 cm

Images Index
El tránsito de la sangre
Seda, cabellos, sangre, estrella y cofre de plata / 3 x 5 x 6 cm / 2016
Images Index
El libro de las ranas
Libro y ranas disecadas / 28 x 80 x 60 cm / 2017

Images Index
Majá come machete
Taxidermia de majá, machete / 110 x 7 x 7 cm / 2017

Images Index
Revolver holster pouring water into hole in the floor, 13 x 6 x 27 cm.

Verses and theorems
Along with Images index, it represents the vastest group of works that covers a wide spectrum of themes and solutions, but where a sensitivity towards the objectual prevails. Art as equal to other disciplines (poetry, music), where love and sadness are sung, where confessions and atonements exist. Language as a complement to symbolic constructions. Its limitation to describe nature, its deletion or blur. Attempts to code concepts and notions: faith, domesticity, emptiness, fear.
Contingencies, the immediate chance. Ideas resolved with the discovery of the object, or objects that raise a regretful idea. The elementary principles of the universe are manifested in the smallest objects and the everyday tasks.
There is a wisdom in the popular equivalent to the most sophisticated knowledge, there is also the idea of a collection, of an archive. Accumulations of the same type of objects that can acquire the quality of a system, or tell a story with their own language. Simple machineries. Rejection of artifice. The tautologies. The coincidences. Patterns and models. The sacred. The relic. The fetish. To try to freeze the memories. Behind everything, the precariousness of matter, the precariousness of all absolutes. The almost perfect balance: Theorem versus Poetry = Reason versus Spirit = Science versus Religion.
Grill for ironer, glasses
26 x 12 cm

Verses and theorems
Chess pieces
Nuts and bolts, glowstarters, shaving brushes, spark plugs, drop bottles, religious images, bicycle dynamos, mazonite board
12 x 47 x 47 cm