Through a container for birds (knobs, hollowed-out boxes, cages) one can glimpse the orni-culture in San Miguel del Padrón, Havana, Cuba. The coming and going of breeders, sellers and curious people is a sample of a local collaborative process, of a system of exchange relations + citizen initiative. It is an extensive network of practices and practitioners, organized outside of institutions and united by the passion (passion for trills, for flight).

Planiscubic representation of the Degollado trill

Found crushed cage. 30 x 40 cm. 2017

Azulejón singing in the hand

Video. 00.00.40

157 songs of resident, endemic, introduced, frequent, transitory and occasional Cuban birds

Wooden stands, CDs, player. 200 x 90 x 90 cm. 2018

Mockingbirds in Perseverance

Action where cages with mockingbirds were placed on the facades of an entire street in Centro Habana. 2019

Paradox of a perpetual mobile

Wood and wire cage. 41 x 64 x 20 cm. 2018-2020

The eternal etude

Video. 2020. 00.00.01

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